Does the Cohen Diet Work?

By William Curtis Md

The Cohen diet is an eating plan program aimed at specific blood work results to determine the right proportions of food types (Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat) for the individual patient. Put together by a South African cardiologist this diet implies that every person contains a slightly different dependence on food types which is why extreme diets models like Atkin's Diet (Low carbohydrate) or DASH (Low salt/fat) don't always help everyone.

The Cohen weight loss program is offered through clinics throughout South Africa and after this some of the united states. It costs about $250 for the diet which fails to include the special blood work and analysis. There aren't any supplments suggested or required.

Generally, I believe you can find differences from person to person. Many people reduce weight extremely fast on low carb diets, others the progress is limited. I know of patients that actually slightly increased their carbohydrate portions and noticed improved energy and weight-loss.

The Cohen Diet plan certainly has some positive points, considering that it doesn't recommend stimulants and gimmicks towards weight reduction. It can also be flexibile for individual patient characteristics.

With that being said, the Cohen diet proponent site has the following statement:

Warning: Beware of imitations!

Unfortunately, like with any good thing that works, many people over the years have tried to copy Dr. Cohen's work and eating program. All of them have failed because they do not have access to his years of research results and special analysis techniques. So please be careful about claims of "ours is similar to Dr. Cohen's program". Your health is not something to take a chance on!

As a physician, I do not rely on magic formulas. The body will certainly prefer certain combinations of foods. In reality, those requirements will fluctuate based upon stressors, illness, etc. Skip the fancy tests! Focus on limiting simple sugars, especially soda, beer, breads, cereals and processed food. (I've come across patients lose 15 pounds in a month by stopping soda)

Look into regular intake of quality fats, high quality protein (Fish, Chicken, turkey, beef) as well as the many fruit and veggies you would like. This approach allows folks to discover their own personal balance as they assess their particular energy, body fat and emotional balance.

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